Jeden, tisíc, milion
Kitas pavadinimas (ai): One, Thousand, Million
Žanras: Documentary film
Metai: 1948
Trukmė: 00:24:00
Aprašymas: A film depicting an organisation of the 11th edition of a sport reunion of the Sokol (sport) community taking place in 1948 in Prague right after the communist putsch. The Sokol organisation was very soon banned due to its support of a democratic government. The film includes the scenes in which the medium of film is presented as a tool for rehearsing a collective choreography. It observes ruins of the Strahov stadium, which has been rebuilt due to a collective effort as well as a re-construction of a local infrastructure. The motif of transportation is also highlighted through a documentation of arrival of various visitors. The film concludes by a collective song accompanied by a collective choreography.
Raktažodžiai: staveniště / přestavba / stadión / cizinec / turista / stavební dělník / sportovec/sportovkyně / sportovní událost / Stavební práce / ruiny / infrastruktura / organizace mládeže / národ / (construction) site / redevelopment / stadium / foreigner / tourist / construction worker / sportsman/sportswoman / sports event / construction work / ruins / infrastructure / youth organization / nation / Praha / Prague / VICTOR-E project
Tiekėjas: Národní filmový archiv
Teisės: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Gamybos kompanija: KF Praha
Spalva: Black & White
Director: Miroslav Hubáček
Sound: With sound
Dokumento tipas:
Language: cs